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Special Report :
A problem with some of the new high UVB output
fluorescent compact lamps and tubes

The Report: Introduction - Case histories - Lamp test results
Discussion - Summary, Recommendations and Company Responses- References


This is one case from a series of reports compiled as part of an investigation into photo-kerato-conjunctivitis, possibly occurring as a result of excessive low-wavelength UVB radiation under certain brands of fluorescent UVB lamp.

Please do not view this one case without reference to the whole report of which it is a part.


Case History : FC1 (Italy) - Yellow-footed Tortoises (Geochelone denticulata)

Cases examined by Michele Buono DVM (Turin, Italy)

Two juvenile Yellow-footed Tortoises (Geochelone denticulata) were presented to the veterinary clinic in May 2007 for sudden anorexia and closing of the eyelids.

The animals were housed in an open wooden cage in a local pet store. Three days before they were brought to the clinic, a new ZooMed Reptisun 10.0 Compact Lamp had been hung in a fixture above the cage, with the end of the lamp only 10cm above the tortoises (Figure 1).
Fig. 1.

At the clinical examination the animals were found to have closed eyes with swollen eyelids and a slight discharge; no other symptoms were seen. (Figures 2 and 3)

Therapy began by flushing the eyes with gentamycin and dexamethasone eye ointment (Triactiv, Virbac), and the lamp was replaced by a new ZooMed Reptisun 5.0 Compact Lamp.

After 10 days, the owners reported that the tortoises' eyes were back to normal and that they had began to eat again.

Fig. 2 Fig. 3.


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